How to Keep Your Car in Top Condition for Longer
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How to Keep Your Car in Top Condition for Longer

It is a fact of life that cars eventually break down and, regardless of how well they are looked after, will depreciate in value too. Yet this inevitable depreciation in value does not mean that you should simply allot time to keep your car for and then sell it when that time is up. After a car has lost the majority of its value (which actually happens over the first five or so years) then the condition it is in begins to matter a great deal. A ten-year-old car that has been well looked after will fetch significantly more than one of the same age that has not. Sure, this might not be an issue with two-year-old cars that have still retained a good chunk of the sale value, but who is selling a car that early anyway?

Selling Cars in Poor Condition

It should be noted, however, that the use of a good dealership will ensure a sale of a car in almost any condition. The reason for this is that good dealerships have extensive market connections to allow them to sell your car for the highest price wherever that may be found. Good dealerships also have the restoration resources to allow them to restore almost any car to a sellable state. Just look at the success of, a top dealership located in several locations across Southern California. Whether in Kern Country, Los Angeles, or San Bernardino, it is this close network that means they can always find a buyer. So if you find yourself in possession of a car that is perhaps not in the best condition, this is undoubtedly the way to go.

Restoration aside, well-preserved cars will still fetch a better price than the same model in poor condition. And there is an extensive body of tips and tricks for doing so, most of which are totally effortless and highly effective when performed regularly. Here follows then some effective ways of keeping your car in shape:

Replace the Oil Regularly

Car manufacturers typically claim that the oil in a car only needs to be changed every 10,000 miles. But if your car is going to see real longevity, it is best to change the oil a little bit more often than this. Oil is absolutely essential for the continued efficient running of your car, and it will degrade quicker without regular checks and changes.

Keep the Interior Clean

The interior may not have much to do with how a car runs, but it does have a great deal of influence over how it sells. The thing about car interiors is that there are plenty of small spaces where dirt can accumulate and solidify. Without regular cleaning, it might soon become exceedingly difficult to clean your car at all.

Use the Proper Tires and the Proper Inflation

Don’t go cheap on the tires that you use for your car. Make sure, at the point of replacement, that you get tires that follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and ensure that you do that same thing for how they are inflated as well. The right pressure is essential for the continued health of the whole car, not just the tires.

Keep Fluids Topped Up

The drive train in your car needs a range of different fluids in order to continue running efficiently and to stave off degradation. All fluids should be checked at least once a week and replaced when needed.

All these simple tips will keep your car in shape for longer – a little diligence now can reap handsome rewards later.

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